bar link mechanism now days are beneficial for various vehicles for power
transmission and Mechanical stability with respect to the motion on various Terrains.
The stability regarding the motion transitional is easier rather than motion
related to rotational. the following article explains the resolution and the complexity with respect to
Matlab codes helpful in the automation of various four bar link mechanism
vehicles. The author indicated the source code for four bar link mechanism, as
well as simulating the module based on the real time system, lines of code
determines the new configurations of the mechanism for an incrementally varying
position of the crank. This is based on the standard cosine formulas and other
triangle properties used for analyzing four-bar linkages.Obviously , torque
and power are not the amount that has been in the kinematics and whatever
kinematic amount we use to characterize the presentation of the instrument,
this amount will just inexact the static power qualities of the component.
& Output--------------------------
for th=0:0.1:8*pi;
a=10; c=12; d=14; b=16;
x= plot([0 a*cos(th)], [0 a*sin(th)],'ro--');
hold on;
y= plot([a*cos(th) a*cos(th)+b*cos(th3)], [a*sin(th) a*sin(th)+b*sin(th3)], 'ro--');
hold on;
plot([0 d], [0 0], 'ro--');
hold on;
plot([d a*cos(th)+b*cos(th3)], [0 a*sin(th)+b*sin(th3)], 'ro--');
hold on;
grid on
hold off;
axis([-20 40 -20 20]);