Python Codes (Calculation of Circuit Parameters)
The following article contains the python code for calculating electrical circuit parameters like equivalent resistance,Voltage drop and Power dissipated across the resistance.
Given Circuit
Electrical Circuit is
+┌─ R1--- ┬─────┬-------|
V R2 R3 R4
| | R5
with following values:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#------Circuit Parameters------#
Vt = 10
R1 = 0.245
R2 = 1.5
R3 = 2.00360
R4 = 0.55
R5 = 0.028
R6 = 0.0099
R7 = 1.23456
R45 = R4 + R5
R67 = R6 + R7
R2345 = ((1/R2)+(1/R3)+(1/R45))**(-1)
#-------Equivalent Resistance Calculation-------#
Rtotal = R1 + R2345 + R67
print(f'Rtotal = {round(Rtotal,7)} Ohm')
#--------Net Current from Source----------------#
It = Vt/Rtotal
print(f'It = {round(It,2)} Ampere')
I6 = It
I7 = It
V6 = I6 * R6
V7 = I7 * R7
#---------Voltage Drop across 6th and 7th Resistance------#
print(f'V6 = {round(V6,5)} Volt, V7 = {round(V7,5)} Volt')
I2345 = It
V2345 = I2345 * R2345
#--Voltage Drop across Combination of 2nd,3rd,4th and 5th Resistance---#
print(f'V2345 = {round(V2345,5)} Volt')
I7 = It
P7 = R7 * I7**2
#-----Power across 7th Resistance----#
print(f'P7 = {round(P7,2)} Watt')
V45 = V2345
I45 = V45/R45
I4 = I45
P4 = R4 * I4**2
#-----Power across 4th Resistance----#
print(f'P4 = {round(P4,4)} Watt')
Output of Python Program
========== RESTART: D:/Desktop/Python(TUT)/equivalent ==========
Rtotal = 1.8347791 Ohm
It = 5.45 Ampere
V6 = 0.05396 Volt, V7 = 6.72866 Volt
V2345 = 1.88207 Volt
P7 = 36.67 Watt
P4 = 5.8315 Watt