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Python Codes for Electric Potential

Python Codes for Electric Potential Code:- import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plot ''' Calculating Elect...

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Matlab Program Circuit Solutions(Dependent Source)


 Matlab Program Circuit Solutions(Dependent Source)

Find the power dissipated by the 8 Ohm resistor and the current supplied by

the 10-volt source.


Matlab Program

% This program determines the power dissipated by

% 8 ohm resistor and current supplied by the

% 10V source


% the program computes the loop currents, given

% the impedance matrix Z and voltage vector V


% Z is the impedance matrix

% V is the voltage vector

% initialize the matrix Z and vector V of equation

% ZI=V

Z = [26 -20 0;

-16 40 -6;

-4 -6 24];

V = [10 5 0]';

% solve for loop currents

I = inv(Z)*V;

% the power dissipation in 8 ohm resistor is P

P = 8*I(3)^2;

% print out the results

fprintf('Power dissipated in 8 ohm resistor is %8.2f Watts\n',P)

fprintf('Current in 10V source is %8.2f Amps\n',I(1))



Power dissipated in 8 ohm resistor is     0.44 Watts

Current in 10V source is     0.73 Amps


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